CNN ‘Translates’ for Us

December 12, 2009

When the Media ‘reports’ events with a description that is clearly different that what has happened then why are they surprised that we no longer find them credible?  The original was written in English…

Is this willful misreading or crashing idiocy? Gadahn says “Muslim” and CNN turns it into “innocent.”

African Reporter Apparently Didn’t Get the CNN Memo…

July 13, 2009

And the narrative was shot down. Just report the news already.

CNN again shows it’s allegiance with friendly headlines on otherwise dismal news

July 10, 2009

When it bleeds it leads, well except…

The most trusted name in news?

Merging of Left Wing Blogs and Mainstream Media

May 8, 2009

Don’t trust the mainstream media to give you both sides of the story. You have to go to both sides and make up your own mind. A video analysis.

CNN and Tea Parties

April 16, 2009

So there are persons on both sides of the aisle that are upset by being placed in such debt both for themselves and their children and who feel that they could better spend their own money to stimulate the economy rather than rely on the state or federal government to do so yet CNN’s Susan Roesgen tries to spin it to fit their own agenda by having their “reporter” argue that state governments are receiving money back and implying that these protests were driven from above as opposed to arising from below (as anyone who has followed the lead up to these protests would know). Watch CNN’s bias in action…

Here is much more video from the same event to give a much more accurate feel for what happened:

Mainstream media had better get their act together and report news or they will soon be out of business. Yes, newspapers, that means you.

Susan Roesgen called to account for her selective “reporting” on the spot (content warning):

CNN Is Manipulated Again

January 8, 2009

So CNN is criticizing Joe the Plumber for his visit to Israel to speak to average citizens there (since all of the media attention is on Gaza) while again CNN’s own “experience” in reporting the “news” is again highlighted…

Would someone please just report the facts in an even-handed way? Doesn’t CNN have the resources necessary to determine facts and verify sources?  Is that too much to ask?

UPDATE: Further debunking of this video.

Agenda Journalism Quantified

December 4, 2008

“There has been a tremendous amount of punditry and debate about whether or not there was mainstream media and popular culture bias during the presidential election and whether or not that led to an overt polarization of the electorate in 2008 and now it is possible to quantitatively illustrate that not only did both of the above take place, but they likely did so at a disservice to the voters,” said Chris Wilson, CEO of Wilson Research Strategies.

“This wasn’t just an election in which supporters of the two major party candidates divided on ideological lines or separate goals for the direction of the nation,” said Wilson.  “It was also an election where the electorate was literally divided by separate realities of the world around them.” 

“As the data from these surveys show, the information believed to be true by, respectively, McCain and Obama voters directly correlates not just to the candidate each voter was likely to support, but also the sources from which the voter received his or her political information,” Wilson commented. 


Now It’s a Humanitarian Exercise

November 26, 2008

Before the election the US was engaged in actions of war in Iraq but now that the election is over we are doing humanitarian missions

Ayers Does an Interview and CNN Covers for Him, Again

November 14, 2008

Before the election CNN, like most media outlets, simply refused to dig in to Ayers’ connections with Obama; they were apparently too busy dumpster diving in Alaska.  Now that Ayers’ cohort in education “reform” is now the President-elect, he has done an interview with Good Morning America and CNN does it’s very best to cover for him.

The problem with Bill Ayers is not just that he was a radical in the 60’s who attempted to overthrow the government with bombs but that he is still a radical who has moved from bombs to using educational “reform” as a means to revolution.  This is not conjecture for you can read his own words.  The real issue is that Obama helped to fund Bill Ayers’ revolutionary ideas in American classrooms through serving as the head of the Annenburg Challenge but the media is not the least bit interested in this connection and what “reforms” were receiving millions of dollars that according to their own summary did not result in educational improvements.

Now that Ayers is talking how does CNN cover the story?  Simply by taking Ayers word for everything with unquestioned quote after quote and again repeating the ridiculous ‘Obama was only 8 years old’ line.  When asked about Ayers’ campaign kickoff in his house Ayers said and CNN simply repeats, “We had him in our home, and I think he was probably in 20 homes that day” as if this is an adequate defense at all.  So the then current state Senator introduced Obama in 20 homes that day?  Did you verify this CNN?  Of course not; you just reprint whatever Ayers claims.  Nice work.

CNN, you are a pathetic excuse for a news organization and every day you give us more reasons to not believe a word you write.  And that is very sad for our democratic system needs an informed electorate instead of an increasing divided one that only reads partisan viewpoints like yours.

What bias.

MSM trying to deflate McCain turnout?

November 4, 2008

If the Mainstream Media were trying to deflate turnout for McCain I would expect them to run stories to discourage his voters but this is more ridiculous than I anticipated even from CNN:

The Washington Redskins, whose pre-Election Day match-ups have a long history of correctly predicting the presidential race, seemed to forecast a victory for Barack Obama Monday night.

For 16 of the past 17 elections, the incumbent party holds on to the White House when the Redskins win their last game before Election Day. When they lose the game, the opposition party has gone on to win the presidential race.