How Slate’s staff and contributors are voting on Election Day.

October 28, 2008

Barack Obama: 55

John McCain: 1

Bob Barr: 1

Not McCain: 1

Noncitizen, can't vote: 4

via How Slate’s staff and contributors are voting on Election Day. – – Slate Magazine

Election 2008: Objective journalism the loser

October 28, 2008

Did you see that amazing video obtained by the Los Angeles Times of Sen. Barack Obama toasting a prominent former PLO member at an Arab American Action Network meeting in 2003? The video in which Obama gives Yasser Arafat’s frontman a warm embrace, as Bill Ayers look on?

You haven’t seen it? Me, neither. The Los Angeles Times refuses to release it.

And so an incriminating video of Obama literally “palling around” with PLO supporters becomes one more nail in the coffin of “objective journalism.”

Alas, the obit for objective reporting has been buried – along with the stories about Obama’s 2001 support for court-imposed “redistribution of wealth” and Joe Biden’s latest gaffe.

via Election 2008: Objective journalism the loser –

CBS covering only part of the Obama fundraising story

October 28, 2008

CBS mentions Obama’s public financing flip-flop and business as usual big-cat fundraising but doesn’t mention how lax the Obama campaigns controls are for online fundraising..