The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

October 14, 2008

When will the MSM take interest in the massive voter fraud this election? Perhaps when it’s over.  Perhaps.

UPDATE: Why are they not covering this?  Obama and Acorn

UPDATE: Kudos to CNN.

UPDATE: CNN finds more ACORN fraud in Philadelphia.  Notice that the person speaking for ACORN is wearing an “ACORN for Obama” shirt.

Study: Big 3 networks still fixated on ‘first love’ Obama

October 14, 2008

The “big three” broadcast networks – NBC, ABC and CBS – remain captivated with Sen. Barack Obama, according to a study of campaign coverage released Tuesday by the Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University.

Numbers tell all: 61 percent of the stories that appeared on the networks between Aug. 23 and Sept. 30 were positive toward the Democratic Party. In contrast, just 39 percent of the stories covering Republicans were favorable.

“After a brief flirtation with Sarah Palin, the broadcast networks have returned to their first love: Barack Obama,” said Robert Lichter, the center’s president.

via Study: Big 3 networks still fixated on ‘first love’ Obama